Sunday, September 20, 2009

ranting - raya

it raya!!!!!!!!!!!




aa raya. the festive season. a day to celebrate our victorious effort of fasting for a whole month n going thru rough n challenging test . aa what a day..

as been told in my last post, i dnt feel raya coming. idk. maybe something just isnt there. ow well. raya's here anyway. so lets start celebrating ! :D

day 1.

i started my day with waking up in the morning and sleeping in the mosque while the khutbah is given out. all dressed up in my bju melayu n sampin plus songkok, then sleeping in the back of the mosque. nice start :)

then got back home, start the photo session and maaf memaafkn, duit raya (cant miss this babeh ! :D:D ) and eat.

since i am already EHEM 16, i dont get that much duit raya. and SOME people has been mistaking me for a dad. yup. A FATHER OF A CHILD. nice huh? :)

Tthen after visiting some relative, i got back home n sleep. ow yeah. (in the "jim carrey" accent) i slept. n it was NICE.

woke up , eat bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla..

well that was boring!

ow well. a post of total boringness.

this is a rant anyway. why'd u care?

haziq dont read this.

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